We are all abuzz at TG´s with a new system that is being implemented across the country! In line with new government regulations, all Service Providers are required to send the actual time of arrival and departure of children, as well as session reports each week, starting from 14 January 2019.
TG´s has been hard at work getting ready for this new ruling and we have been busy installing a series of QK Kiosks across our premises. The QK Kiosk is a parent digital sign in/out system. When parents enter TG´s, they sign in using their phone number and unique PIN code and it automatically records the exact drop off (and pick up) times for each child in the Qikkids tool.
We are really excited to share with our parents what this means for TG´s. The QK Kiosk is going to make a big difference in helping us (and parents!) save precious time and it is also set to make a mark in our sustainability efforts.
Automation helps save on loads of time so our educators no longer have to check endless lists of names and run after parents for missing signatures. Parents who are in a rush in the mornings can now stroll in, sign in on the QK Kiosk and voila! The child is registered! With all the extra time freed up during drop off and collection times, parents and educators can enjoy more quality time with each other and the children.
What we also love about this system is it will help us save so much on paper! Attendance lists used to be done on piles and piles of paper. At TG´s, sustainability and caring for the planet is an important element of our values. Knowing we can digitalise everything and be rid of storing mountains of paper is a big step in our sustainability goals.
At TG´s, this tool will be an essential part of our centres to ensure we keep up with high standards when it comes to child safety. With the QK Kiosk, educators can check in real time the number of children in the service on the kiosk´s dashboard. It prompts parents with popup alerts to remind them to confirm missed attendances and even allows communication in group or individual parent messages. The comprehensive system also allows families to authorise other family members or friends to collect their children, thus ensuring the child is in safe hands. In the event of an emergency, staff can quickly contact each child´s family as their details are electronically recorded and can be accessed conveniently. It will become basically our educators´ administrative assistant, taking excellent care of the necessary regulatory tasks so our educators can focus on their true passion – bringing fun to the children´s learning journey!
For more information about the new regulations, please visit: