You can download TG's Armidale Newsletter below.
2018 has been a bountiful year for everyone at TG's! Our children have been busy little sponges soaking up so many amazing experiences and there is nothing more rewarding than to see them glow with confidence as they progress in independence in their daily activities. Over the year, TG's children have been developing their connection with the world around them and we have been seeing how they are taking pride and responsibility in their contribution to the world. What is beautiful is seeing how enthusiastic and involved they all want to be on their learning journeys.
This year, the Joeys have a new Team Leader! Flick and her new educators Sam and Sonia have lots of gifts to bring to the table, and the children are always ready to welcome new educators and getting them feeling right at home straightaway!
The Boaties also have Meg and Alannah new on their team, ready to sail with them on many exciting adventures. And our little Boaties have proven themselves to be well prepared for a new journey this year – they have been taking charge of their morning tea and learning to get themselves prepared for outside play time. We are really proud to see them taking on their own responsibilities and becoming independent!
Last spring the Middle Rockers were spending a lot of time in our gardens making friends with the birds, butterflies and bees. They even started a planning project to invite more native birds to our service using only recyclable materials! We can't wait to see how delighted the children are going to be when they see their project working out this year! They have also started a special project to collaborate with TG's gardeners Kath and Mel on seasonal gardening. More yummy vegetables are in store!
The Pre School group are going to get busy this year hosting Jose and Cha Cha for sleepovers with different families. We are looking forward to hearing about their adventures!
As summer beckons, the children are eager to venture outdoors with oodles of energy to learn while having fun! One thing TG's educators absolutely love during this time of the year is rolling up their sleeves and setting up play experiences that involve water and wonderfully messy sensory play! What a deliciously cool way to learn while having fun!
With the new CCS legislation change, TG's has installed new iPad Kiosks for the electronic sign in and out system developed by Qikkids. Our parents are finding this system easy and convenient and it has spared them extra time to be with the children and our educators when they come to drop off or pick up their children.
There is so much happening at TG's at Armidale! We have our newsletter available on our blog. We have lots to share with you about what TG's children and educators are doing!
Don't forget to download the TG´s Armidale Newsletter right below!
